Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Can we just talk about ordering hot chocolate at coffee shops?

So I always order hot chocolate at fancy coffee shoppes. Always. Go ahead all you black coffee drinkers, start throwing those judgmental glances my direction and pretend to enjoy that insanely strong tar you you're addicted to. How on earth is your bitter caffeine buzz any cooler than the sweet, creamy, hot chocolate warming up my hands? Let's do the math: creamy, smooth, sweet chocolate > strong, watery, bitter beans. Period

I don't care how it was roasted, what country it's from, or how long it was brewed. Unless it tastes like ice cream, I can guarantee you I won't be drinking it. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a great cup of dark chocolaty goodness, and I am definitely not less cultured than you just because I'm not addicted to espresso. Y'all, quit with the sidelong judgmental looks and not-so-subtle scoffs. My IQ did not, in fact, drop when I didn't order coffee. I'm not ashamed, people.
I love my hot chocolate. 

Love and Chocolate,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Can we just talk about this whole vampire culture?

...but seriously. What the hell? I mean, let's all just take a step back for a minute and think about it: they are cold, dead, murderous, blood-sucking animals. If we put all the living creatures on a food pyramid, they're on top. They can think. That should TERRIFY teenage girls. But no, Edward freaking Cullen walks in and BAM! We're all supposed to fall in love? Are you serious?
I mean, look at the storyline for the Twilight movies: Boy meets Girl. Boy wants to eat girl. Boy stalks Girl. Girl falls in love with creepy cannibalistic Boy. Boy fights his natural urges, turns Girl into another blood-sucking non-living creature, and we cheer? I'm sorry, what?
Ok, yes, I'll admit, Maggie and I are unashamedly OBSESSED with the Vampire Diaries. Judge me. Dare you to watch 4 episodes without getting addicted. That fact aside, we are completely aware that this obsession is strange and unnatural.
It's not like any of these stories have any lasting literary or true artistic value. Sure, they deal with the hard issues of life and death, and they're a decent enough outlet for teenage angst, but what kind of love story is twilight? One where the boy has to babysit a girl who can't seem to say no to trouble. Rule of thumb: if Taylor Swift has a song about it, you need to take one LONG, hard look at your life, and evaluate your choices(Que. I Knew You Were Trouble). Bella's a sociopath, and it's far from romantic.
Why on earth is our generation so obsessed with loving monsters? Is it some teenage sense of danger? Or are we simply always trying to love the boy who can't be saved? If you ask me, we all need our heads examined. It's like we're all intrigued by death or something.

Food for thought, but I am not food.

Can we just talk about sand?

I freaking hate sand. Especially when it is out of place. For example, ANYWHERE BUT THE BEACH. I mean, lets be real. I hate it there too, but sandboxes are the freaking WORST. Today I think that my hatred of sand really hit it's pinnacle. I discovered the worst type of sand. Sand that has been freshly peed in. Yep. Pee sand sucks. Especially when my darling three year old friend Josie thinks that the fact that she just peed in the sand was HILARIOUS. News flash, little girl: Pee sand is not funny. Pee anywhere but the toilet is not funny. Pee in the toilet isn't even funny. Pee is pee and sand is THE WORST. Especially if it is nowhere near the sunshine where I can take a nap and get a tan.

Nanny out--

Can we just talk about Joseph Morgan?

Can we all please just take a minute and discuss Joseph Freaking Morgan? I mean, come on! He has one of the best accents in the world. SO unfair to the female race! His voice is like velvet and chocolate and mystery all wrapped up in an incredibly sexy British accent, completed with a bow of piercing blue eyes. Good grief.
And those eyes...yeah, they're like the most expressive ever! It's ridiculous. They're the kind of blue eyes that made you run into lockers when you were in high school (oh yeah, friends, that happens. Don't pretend like you've never been there).
Pair those baby blues with a beautiful smile AND dimples! What the heck? It's like the perfect boyish look: dimples and mischief.

Then he goes and uses words like "sweatheart" and "love". Just in case you hadn't melted before, don't you worry, he'll turn on the verbal charm and BAM! He just sort of exudes this adorably bashful boyishness, and instead of being awkward, he becomes the most attractive man EVER. You're in love with someone you didn't knew existed 5 minutes ago. You're welcome.


PS: this is one of the few men that Maggie and I agree on. That's how much of a babe he is.

Don't believe me? Watch 25 seconds and tell me I'm wrong.