Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Can we just talk about Nala?

I mean, holy freaking cow. I know this seems incredibly late since the movie's been out for years on years, but just let me get this out: The Lion King in WONDERFUL. You know, cute little lions cubs running around the Sahara, getting into trouble. Sounds pretty damn fun to me. Aside from the whole getting chased by hyena's bit, I could totally have been a lion cub once...but I digress...

 ...bare with me here people. That cute little lion cub runs away from who he is called to be, and when his lady catches up with him, she's not happy. Nala looks at Simba and basically says, "Dude, you're the king. Quit your whining and MAN UP." And then, he does. Simba stumbles out of that darkness and fear and becomes the kind of King worth remembering; the kind of king that Queens swoon for; the kind of King that leads his people.

So maybe I just elevated my status to Queen, and maybe that's a little ridiculous, but this is my blog post. Get off my back! Boys, if a girl challenges you to step up and lead, it's probably because she thinks you're a BORN LEADER. Period. So stop running and start believing that you are capable of greatness. Nala's firm belief in Simba inspires him to be brave. I want to be Nala when I grow up. Doesn't every girl grow up hoping she can be the lioness that can match a boy's passion in a way that reminds him to get his act together and RUN back to Pride Rock?

So maybe it's a cartoon. Maybe it's about a bunch of animals in some random safari land somewhere, and maybe they sing a lot. Say what you want, I DO NOT CARE. The Lion King is all about redemption and about stepping out in bravery. I will always support bravery. What can I say? I'm a girl who really loves brave boys. And Lions. Sue me. 

Smiling with Pride at the brave Lions of the world,

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