Monday, April 1, 2013

Can we just talk about sunscreen?

Ok, sunscreen is the absolute WORST. I mean, sunburn is bad, and I plan on avoiding it if at all possible, but I really hate rubbing or spraying some sort of thick, toxic smelling liquid all over my skin.

The worst part of this whole sunscreening process is that I'm pale. I'm borderline ginger complected. I don't tan, I freckle. After an afternoon in the sun, I don't turn into a bronze bombshell, I revert back to being a twelve year old with a million freckles.

On top of that, if I don't wear at least two solid coats of nasty sunscreen, I get absolutely FRIED. We're talking like completely red. So no matter what, even if I'm never going to have tan skin, I can't just simply not wear sunscreen. I'm forever locked into slathering my freckled skin with a repulsive liquid that makes me smell like a lab rat from a chemical explosion. Yeesh.

Here's to the gingers, (and those of us that might as well be)

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